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Musings of a Mother

A mother sat in her wheelchair one afternoon on the lake, accompanied by Her mature and have families.

The mother asked "what's that bird up there??"
"Stork mama" his son replied politely.
Soon after the mother asked again ..
"That's what the white bird?"
sdikit upset his son answered "yes stork mama? ..."

Then she asked again
"So what's the bird?" She pointed to the crane that was being flown ...

With the irritation of the child answered "yes mama stork. the same thing! .. emanknya mama not tough him fly! "

Water dripped from the corner of my eye and said softly mama .. "Before 26 years ago, I assume you and answer your questions the same for as many as 10 times, this time .. I'm just asking 3 times, but you snapped me 2 times. . "

The boy was silent ... and hugged her mother.

Have you ever thought about what I was taught by a mother to us? Spare Mama / Mother-mu with sungguh2 Because heaven is in Mom feet.

Beg forgiveness if you've hurt your mother.
And continue to Orang2 who need to read this devotional.

* Have we mad at him? 'Never!': S

* once we ignore Him? 'Never!'> :/

* we never thinking what he thought?

'No!' :/

* Think she actually what?

'Fear': (

- Fear ga can see us smile, cry or laugh again.

- Fear can not teach us anymore

All that for a short time .. She

When mama / papa blind eye. Ga will lg some chatty.: (

When we cry calling calling him, what he bales?

'He was just silent': (

But he remained in the shadows beside us and said: "my son do not cry, mama / papa is still here. Mom / Dad still love you. ": (
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown -

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